Virtual Career Mentoring

boy with stethoscope and surgical gloves

Making a corporate social impact for students in Latin America and empowering them on the path to their future careers.

🚀 Outreach360’s mission

is to inspire and empower people to reach their full potential and give back by expanding educational, leadership, and service opportunities.

💻 The Outreach360 Virtual English Academy

is a rigorous, year-round, Monday-Friday virtual afterschool program that provides educational, leadership, and service opportunities to children and youth in Latin America. All students attend on a full scholarship funded by individual and corporate sponsors.

💬 Your employees

are invited to join us in a 90-minute virtual career mentoring session. Each Friday, we invite a company to sponsor the session. Your employees will provide our students with basic information about your industry, specifics about your organization, and their positions and responsibilities. Sharing their unique skills and knowledge will make a difference by opening our students’ eyes to new career and life opportunities.

🌟 To learn more, start a conversation by clicking below:

professional man in Zoom meeting with children

“I was proud to engage with Outreach360 and the bright and highly-motivated children involved in the program. It's a fantastic platform to communicate with future leaders across Latin America. Anyone who can participate should seize the opportunity!”

—Hector García
Manager of Business Development, Infrastructure Americas, Bechtel

happy young girl with laptop, pencil case, and notebook

“It is very important for us to learn about different careers. Our knowledge increases more, and it is also important to learn new things in different areas. I enjoy meeting professionals as they teach me many things. Thank you!”

- Angélica, Age 8, El Salvador